UK Health Centre
What to Pack

Preparing for bariatric surgery is a significant step toward a healthier life. To ensure your journey to Egypt for this transformative procedure is as smooth and stress-free as possible, we've compiled a comprehensive list of essentials to pack. This guide will help you cover all bases, from documentation to personal care items.

Essential Documents

1. Passport and Visa: Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned stay. Check if you need a visa and arrange it in advance if necessary.

2. Medical Records: Bring copies of your medical history, including any relevant test results, current medications, and previous surgeries.

3. Travel Insurance: A comprehensive travel insurance policy that covers medical expenses is crucial.

4. Flight Itinerary and Accommodation Details: Print out your flight tickets, hotel booking confirmations, and any transportation arrangements.

Health and Medical Supplies

1. Medications: Bring a sufficient supply of your regular medications, along with prescriptions in case you need refills.

2. Medical Alert Bracelet: If you have allergies or conditions, a medical alert bracelet can provide critical information in emergencies.

3. Post-Surgery Supplies: 

   - Compression garments

   - Antibacterial soap

   - Gauze and bandages

   - Pain relief medication (as advised by your doctor)

Comfort and Convenience

1. Loose, Comfortable Clothing: Pack clothes that are easy to put on and take off, and won't irritate your incisions. Think soft, breathable fabrics.

2. Slippers and Comfortable Shoes: Ensure they are easy to walk in, especially post-surgery.

3. Pillows: A small travel pillow can provide extra comfort, especially during flights or car rides.

4. Entertainment: Books, magazines, or electronic devices to keep you occupied and relaxed.

Personal Care Items

1. Toiletries: Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, and any other personal hygiene items.

2. Skincare Products: Moisturizer, sunscreen, and lip balm to cope with the dry climate.

3. Hand Sanitizer and Wet Wipes: Maintain hygiene, especially in public places.


1. Mobile Phone and Charger: Stay connected with family, friends, and your healthcare providers.

2. Adaptor and Converter: Egypt uses Type C and Type F plugs; check voltage compatibility for your devices.

3. Laptop or Tablet: If you need to stay in touch with work or want additional entertainment options.

Snacks and Dietary Needs

1. Healthy Snacks: Nutritious, non-perishable snacks for the journey and your stay.

2. Water Bottle: Staying hydrated is vital; consider a refillable bottle with a filter.

Other Considerations

1. Emergency Contacts: A list of important contacts, including family members, the clinic, and your country's embassy in Egypt.

2. Cash and Credit Cards: Have local currency on hand for small purchases and tips, but rely mainly on credit cards for safety.

3. Small First Aid Kit: Basic first aid supplies like band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers.

Packing thoughtfully can help ensure your trip for bariatric surgery in Egypt is comfortable and hassle-free. By having all the necessary items, you can focus on your health and recovery without any added stress. Safe travels and best wishes on your journey to better health!